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Many County Shelters are full and need to make space for the stray dogs that they are required to take in. Please save a life by adopting a dog or find a rescue that will take one of these dogs.
Euthanization Statisics for 2023 supplied by Animal Defense League of Washington County
Shelter | Dogs Intake | Euth | % | Cats Intake | Euth | % |
Bristol City, VA | 180 | 31 | 17% | 102 | 79 | 77% |
Buchanan Co., VA | 764 | 0 | 0% | 293 | 0 | 0% |
Dickenson Co., VA | 392 | 0 | 0% | 122 | 0 | 0% |
Lee Co., VA | 723 | 31 | 4% | 0 | 0 | 0% |
Russell Co., VA | 610 | 73 | 12% | 2 | 2 | 100% |
Scott Co., VA | 478 | 20 | 4% | 0 | 0 | 0% |
Smyth Co., VA & City of Marion | 695 | 62 | 9% | 744 | 141 | 19% |
Tazewell Co., VA | 1052 | 3 | 0% | 395 | 20 | 5% |
Wise Co., VA & City of Norton | 829 | 49 | 6% | 243 | 30 | 12% |
Washington Co., VA | 881 | 113 | 13% | 592 | 305 | 52% |
![]() The dogs at Amelia County Animal Control need our help! Please consider adopting, rescuing, networking and donating to help them find rescues/homes. Amelia County Animal Shelter is located in Amelia County, Virginia. This is a government run facility operated by the Amelia County Animal Control. Volunteers are always needed, and welcome! |
![]() Brunswick County Animal Shelter is a small rural facility in the south of Virginia operated by the Brunswick County Sheriff's Office. The newly renovated shelter can accommodate 20 dogs. While Brunswick County Animal Shelter is not yet a no-kill facility, this is a goal we strive to achieve each and every day. We are also fortunate enough to work with some amazing rescue groups and dedicated individuals who help us move animals to safety each and every week. |
![]() Tappahannock Essex County Animal Shelter is a small, county owned facility. Opened in 2008, we are not a 'no kill shelter' but do our best to minimize the need to euthanize animals. The animal shelter is located at 540 Airport Road, Tappahannock, Virginia. It is right across the street from the Tappahannock Veterinary Hospital. TECAS does not do same day adoptions. Your application is reviewed for adoption, and we will return a telephone call to the applicant usually within 72 hours to let you know if you have been approved or denied. |
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![]() Before you surrender your pet to a local animal shelter, please consider other options that are available to you. We have great dogs and cats for adoption, so come by and adopt a new best friend or just come by and visit. Our guys love to meet new people and have visitors. Come by and give a local shelter animal a forever home. |
![]() The Goochland County Animal Shelter is a municiple pound serving Goochland County, Virginia. We are located in central Virginia, twenty minutes West of Richmond off of Interstate 64 at 1900 Hidden Rock Lane, Maidens, VA 23102. Dogs that have not been neutered are only available to go to homes in Goochland, Hanover, Henrico, Chesterfield, Powhatan, Cumberland, Fluvanna and Louisa areas of Virginia. Adoptions are currently by appointment only. |
![]() The Greene County Animal Shelter is a small rural shelter in the northeast of Virginia. We try to save the lives of dogs. We thrive on donations of others, whether it be dog food, dog treats, dog toys, collars, leashes, towels, blankets or cleaning supplies such as bleach, pine-sol, dish detergent, and laundry detergent. Our goal since January of 2015 is to have all the dogs to be spayed/neutered before being adopted to their forever family. |
![]() Animals in custody of Greensville County are eligible for adoption unless the Animal Control Officer (ACO) feels that the animal would impose a danger to the new owner or other residents. All animals adopted from the Greensville County Animal Shelter are required to be spayed or neutered unless they meet a special breed provision. Animals may be adopted directly from Greensvile County Animal Shelter. Doris Ozmar (Animal Control Officer) can be contacted at 434-632-1681 and will be glad to assist you with the process. |
![]() Dogs at Hanover County Animal Shelter, Ashland, VA that have not been neutered are only available to residents of Louisa, Goochland, Chesterfield, Henrico, New Kent, King William, Caroline, Spotsylvania and Hanover Counties, VA. |
![]() Lee County Animal Pound is a small rural facility in the southwest of Virginia. While Lee County Animal Pound is not yet a no-kill facility, this is a goal we strive to achieve each and every day. For more information see the Lee County Animal Control website. From Highway 58, turn south onto State Route 70 and immediately turn left on Bus Shop Road. |
![]() Patrick County Animal Control provides for the safety and welfare of residents and follows county ordinances as they apply to domestic animals. The County operates the Hazel Y. Clark Patrick County Public Animal Shelter, a shelter for the specialized care of animals in custody. Animal Control enforces Virginia state code Section 3.2-6574 that all animals are to be sterilized upon adoption. The shelter provides temporary care for homeless or unwanted animals until they are adopted, placed with an animal rescue organization, or euthanized. The shelter provides assistance in locating lost or stolen pets. |
![]() Russell County Animal Shelter is a small rural facility in the southwest of Virginia. Thanks to our rescue partners and adopters, Russell County Animal Shelter does not euthanize dogs to make space for incoming strays. We are also fortunate enough to work with some amazing rescue groups and dedicated individuals who help us move animals to safety each and every week. |
![]() Scott County Animal Shelter will keep a dog for 7-10 days so that the owner can claim it before we can put the dog up for adoption. If you are interested in a particular dog before its available date please phone us on 276-452-1325. Make sure to include your name and phone number so that we can return your call if needed. Messages are checked daily (Monday-Friday). We will not 'hold' a dog in response to a message on Facebook. |
![]() Smyth County Animal Shelter is a small rural facility in the south west of Virginia. If you are unable to keep your dog, please find it a home. Surrendering your dog to Smyth County Animal Shelter will not guarantee it will go to a home for a new life. SCAS is committed to take in stray dogs. If they run out of space, your dog could be euthanized to make room for another stray. Dogs marked as URGENT have little time to live unless they are adopted or taken by a rescue. DO NOT BLAME SCAS FOR THIS SITUATION - Blame the people that dump their dogs. |
![]() The Spotsylvania Animal Shelter is a county shelter operated Spotsylvania County Animal Control under the requirements of the Code of the Virginia. Animals are held in accordance with state requirements, and are redeemed by the owner, adopted, or euthanized. Our shelter has been on a NO KILL Mission since September of 2013. The shelter also houses a low cost spay/neuter clinic. All dogs and cats adopted from the shelter are sterilized within 30 days from the date of adoption, with the exception of puppies and kittens that are too young. |
![]() Sussex County Animal Shelter is a small rural facility in the south east of Virginia. Although we have a limited budget, the staff love and care for all animal residents and are willing to do what it takes to save all of them. Fosters, adoptions and rescues are welcome. |
![]() Surry County Animal Shelter is a small rural facility in the south of Virginia. Although we have a limited budget and only two staff to love and care for all animal but we are willing to do what it takes to save them. Fosters, adoptions and rescues are welcome. |
![]() Tazewell County Animal Shelter is a small rural facility in the southwest of Virginia. While Tazewell County Animal Shelter is not yet a no-kill facility, this is a goal we strive to achieve each and every day. We are also fortunate enough to work with some amazing rescue groups and dedicated individuals who help us move animals each and every week. |
![]() Wise County Animal Shelter is a small rural facility in the southwest of Virginia. Wise County Animal Shelter is not yet a no-kill facility, this is a goal we strive to achieve each and every day. |
![]() Wythe County Dog Shelter is in Wytheville, southwest Virginia. We welcome enquiries from potential adopters and animal rescues. If you are not a resident of Wythe County or one of the adjacent counties, contact your local rescue to see if they will rescue the dog for you. Please phone about a specific dog rather than e-mail which may not be read in time. For information regarding the dog featured, please contact Wythe County Animal Control NOW on (276) 228-6003. We keep stray dogs 5 days so that the owner can claim them but you can express an interest before the 'available' date. The date the dog is listed as 'available' is NOT the day it will be put down but we may only keep the dog for 5 days after the 'available' date. |
Please remember to keep your dogs microchip contact information up-to-date. It may save its life!

I Rescued a Human Today by Janine Allen
The pound takes in one hundred dogs a day. How many dogs do they find a home for? Ten dogs a day would be good! That means that 90% of the dogs brought into the pound are destroyed. Before you take your dog to the pound ask them how many dogs are adopted each day then how many dogs come in. You do not have to be a genius to figure out what the chances are that your dog will find a home. If the pound has space for 300 dogs and there are 100 coming in every day, then after three days there is no more room and the 100 dogs that are arriving have to go somewhere. Ten of the lucky dogs are adopted or rescued so 90 dogs that have been at the pound three days are killed to make room for the new dogs. This happens every day, in your city, in your county, in your state. OK so maybe your local pound only takes in ten dogs a day and it has space for 70 dogs but they may only save ten dogs a week so everyday 8 or 9 dogs are killed to make room for more discarded dogs. The majority of these dogs are young, healthy and friendly but time is not on their side. A lucky dog will be taken in by a rescue and they will try to find it a home. Rescues have a limited amount of space so they can only rescue a dog when they have found a dog a home. The Humane Society of the United States estimates that the number of cats and dogs euthanized by shelters in the USA each year is 3-4 million. That means one pet was deliberately put to death while you were reading this paragraph. How many more will die while you read the rest of the page? See more HSUS facts and figures here. |
"The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated" - Mahatma Gandhi |
Sanctuary dogs usually fit into one of two categories. The first type is the adoptable dog that is constantly overlooked by people searching for a dog. This may be because they are older, or young and lively, or maybe they just look like an ordinary 'mutt' amongst the many other dogs needing a home. These are dogs that still have so much love to give and have sat waiting very patiently for a home to call their own. They may have spent many months, possibly years living in a kennel so will need some time and attention to fit into a home routine. It is possible that such a dog may be better off being moved to another rescue that receives more visitors. Many national rescues will move long stay dogs to another area in the hope of finding them a home. The second type of sanctuary dogs are the ones that will live out their days at the rescue. These dogs tend to either suffer from health problems, behavioural problems or are just too old. The rescue will care for these dogs until it is their time to cross the Rainbow Bridge. Some of the lucky ones live out their days in a foster home, others have to live in a kennel and thus have less human contact. Most small rescues will be very grateful if you can sponsor a long stay dog, even if you just contribute to buying them food or medication. |
"People are born so that they can learn how to live a good life - like loving everybody all the time and being nice, right?
Well, dogs already know how to do that, so they don't have to stay as long."
A six year old boys explanation for why dogs do not live as long as people, prompted by the death of his dog. |